October 27, 2015

October 26, 2015

Ciao tutti!

So by the end of the week I was wearing tights...winter has started
and I could be more terrified. I just don't enjoy winter all that
much. Plus I'm in the mountains. I'm going to die this winter!
Literally ;) hahahaha because I'll end (die) in this city. Okay not
that funny...anyways!

This week was pretty cool! We started teaching some new people! We
received this referral from the Anziani about this girl who wanted to
learn English but also about our church. It started off that we would
teach English at the beginning and then she would ask us questions at
the end about our church. Also she's a lawyer so a bit intimidating.
But we obviously didn't love this way of teaching because it doesn't
work very well. So the next time we saw her I was like okay here is
what we do. We have 5 lessons we teach and I promised her that if she
followed these lessons and let us teach her then all of her questions
would be answered without her having to ask them. And she was like
okay. I like that idea! And she was totally willing to listen! Holler!
It was so amazing! I love it when people know our purpose it makes
teaching so much easier!

We are also going to start teaching these 2 young adults from English
Course! I love them so much! They are just super cool and super smart!
Friday night we went to a chocolate fest thing with them! (Mom this
next part will make you jealous ha!) so it was this pretty much a
giant chocolate party! With many many many different types of
chocolate! And many many different types of delicious chocolates! We
ate so much! It was seriously so good! I was dying! Crepes, hot
chocolate, spicy chocolate, cannoli! It was heaven and it was huge and
went down this giant strip in centro! They have been doing this for
many many years and it's a great idea! We enjoyed ourselves and we
build a great relationship with them and they want to learn more so
yeeeeees! Also remember that family?! Yeah the husband was there and
he stopped me and we got to meet his son and he said they would come
to church on Sunday!

Which brings us to the next miracle! THEY CAME TO CHURCH! It was
wonderful! They couldn't stay for long but the part they stayed for
was absolutely perfect! Everything was on point and they can't wait to
come back! Ooooooh I'm so hopefully! We are so excited to start
working with them!

So also this week we went to Crotone for District Meeting and for an
exchange. We ate breakfast and lunch at the senior couples house it
was super fun and delicious! Then after I went with Sorella Tingey the
cutest lil greenie! She's pretty shy but she's awesome and she does a
great work and she is just doing so well for how short she's been
here! She speaks really well! It was a good scambio! Expect for the
fact it was raining like the whole time...but we met this guy who used
to live in California and he knows the church very well and we had an
amazing conversation with him and he wants to go to church! So I hope
that works out for the missionaries there! Crotone is awesome!

Last miracle and I close! So Sorella Pinkston got pretty sick Saturday
and we had 2 important lessons planned but one was in English...so we
were like member splits how do we want to do this...? Because we are
in 3 only one person has to leave. It's a perk of a trio! Anyways we
needed someone who spoke English and was a girl...and the only person
is a YSA who was on her way to the temple....ahhh! So we thought a
bit. And Sorella Pinnegar suggested this less active who speaks well
who hasn't been to church in 20 years! We've been working if with her
and we asked her if she wanted to help us. She said yes! And she went
to church for the 1st time in 20 years! We are soooooo excited for

So many miracles this week people! I love what this gospel is making
me! I love what I learn from it and I know it's true! I know the true
happiness I can feel in this life can ONLY come from the gospel! And
I'm grateful for that knowledge. My faith grows every day and yes it
may not quite yet be a tree but I hope one day it can be! I love you
all and I wish you all a happy Halloween!

Love Sorella Barazoto

Cosenza Night Life!

Hahaha mamma mia Crotone

Sorella Tingey!


Cakes that a English course student made for us!

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