Buon di a tutti!
What's up world?! I'm great! This week was weird....let's start from the top!
Monday we had an amazing lesson with this kid who has been investigating the church for forever we have challenged him to read the Book of Mormon in 60 days so we are doing it with him! He is super brav! But Monday started going a bit down hill...so I have this cyst on my eye...and it started last week but it got a lot worse this week....
Tuesday we had district meeting and I got out of them getting me to go the hospital because I didn't what anyone to touch it. So then it got bigger...and then later that day we had a flipping awesome party! It was Peruvian Independence Day and there are 3 Peruvians in our district! So we made some Peruvian food! SO GOOD! And the party was awesome we had it in place of English Course so contacts, members, and investigators were all there! So sick! And we played musical chairs ha! I slipped ha! Because of my one eye! (We've been cracking jokes all week about it.) Anyways some members saw and they told me I needed to go to the hospital.
Wednesday I woke up to my eye swollen shut. So we headed to the hospital. They fixed some things and gave me antibiotics because it's super infected. It took aaaaaallllllll day. The members who took me were Angels! They helped me so much! I am forever grateful for them!
Thursday, I wasn't allowed to leave the house because my immune system apparently is really low...so we updated records and made lots of calls. So boring we were dying to get out!
Friday we got permission to do work but he antibiotics kill me so I couldn't go really hard and the infection was still pretty bad. But we had some amazing lessons with some amazing people! Which just made it a lot better!
Saturday we had a few lessons planned a bit and I was pretty nauseous from the meds so I resented s lot too.
Sunday all the members were like what the heck?! Oh did I say I look like a pirate? Well yeah I have to wear like this eye patch bandaid ha! So everyone looks at me strange...and then we had the most beautiful testimony meeting and this new contact came and it was perfect! Then I had to translate the whole time because there was a giant group of Americans it was intense but awesome! Then we had an great pranzo with some members and then we went home and planned for the week.
It was a crazy crazy crazy week. And I am studying patience this transfer and I have really learned a lot about it. I really have fallen back on my Savior. And I have been reminded of his Atonement. I have been reminded I can't do things on my own it's just impossible. I am just so imperfect but he is perfect. And he suffered and he died for all of us but more importantly he was resurrected and because of that we can live with our loving Heavenly Father again. Because of him we have no fear because of all he has done for us. I am so grateful for him and my Heavenly Father because I couldn't have gotten through this week without them. I know their love is real and pure and perfect. They understand me, they know me. And I hope each one of you know that as well! I am reminded of a song we used to sing in Light!
God loves me! He loves me! This I know! He loves me and will forever!
I know it's true and its true for you too! Have a great week and don't forget how much you are loved!
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