Ok quick recap because I didn't explain to well last week but I met
some more relatives! We had to go pretty far so we didn't get a ton of
time to email last week. Anyways I met the niece of my great great
grandfather it was amazing she made orecchiette and focaccia and she's
92!!! It was amazing! I loved every minute of it!
But later that day we got back to Bari and we had a part member lesson
we watched the video The Will of God, it's a Mormon message, it's so
good! We talked about recognizing His will and trying to understand it
better. It went really well!
We also have new people coming to our English Course class which is
awesome because it's nice to have new people with the older ones. We
did a lot of organizing and calling because everyone is at the beach
and I don't blame them because it's just really hot...but we had a
couple of good lessons and we got some people to commit to baptism! We
are pumped!!!
Ok miracle time! So the other day we met these really cool people who
were speaking English and we had an amazing conversation with them and
then after they said okay bye. One was from Portugal and the other was
really far from Bari so we didn't get their numbers. But we totally
regretted it anyways! Then I had a feeling we were going to see the
one kid we had met and the next day we saw him! In the most random
spot near the church! It was a miracle because we met his parents and
they invited us other!!! They live pretty far but we are totally going
Miracle number 2 we did this survey thing on America! It talks about
like the history and then it leads into the Book of Mormon some
Anziani in our district made it! It was amazing they are super smart!
Anziano Andersen and Bro! Anyways we talked to a bunch of people and
got a bunch of numbers! It was seriously so successful! Holler!
We also had an amazing Zone Conference! It's really amazing because
our zone is sooooo young I'm like the 2nd or 3rd oldest in our zone!
Which is crazy! Our zone is so young and they have so much faith it's
truly inspiring!
Everyone! Listen! I am far faaaaaar away from perfection and I mess up
everyday. I fall short. I say the wrong things. I just am far away
from perfect. But the most amaaaaaazing thing is that it doesn't
matter. I have my brother Jesus Christ. Because of him I'm saved
because whenever I fall short and I fall hard he is there to catch me.
We are never alone. We always have him and God at our side no matter
what. I've learned that these past 2 weeks specifically. We are never
alone why would He leave us? He wouldn't because he's our father who
is perfect in every way. I know it's true! Everyone I love you all and
I hope you have a good week!
Love Sorella Barazoto
Le Sorelle of the Bari Zone! There are only 6 of us! We rule the school. Zone Conference!
Selfie with Sorella Waddoups! Zone Conference! |
Me and Sorella Decker and the photo bombers....Anziano Andersen and Bro. Zone Conference!
Questo รจ Alberbello! |
Beautiful Alberobello! |
Getting gelato! Exchanges!
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