This week was HOT! Wow I mean it's not always over 100 but the humidity makes a huge difference! I will never complain about Arizona summer again!
This week we made a goal. To work with members and try a lot harder to bring them to lessons! It was AMAZING! We even overbooked one day! (That never happens) And we like did member splits and everything! It was awesome! We even had a family home evening with an investigator at a members home it was awesome!
We also have been helping this kid with English for this exam he had to take and he passed! We were so proud of him! His uncle is a member in the other ward so cool!
We also have this awesome newish investigator who's brother is a member from South America! He's awesome and super open! It's truly amazing! Also another English course student we are teaching is progressing a lot! She loves learning from us and we have so many amazing conversations!
Also this week we had a Leadership Conference. I'm not a leader but my companion is so I was lucky enough to tag along. So what we do is do a giant Skype call with all the leaders in the mission like zone leaders and sister trainer leaders. And the assistants and president and his wife talk about what our mission needs to work on and do trainings! It was awesome and then at the end we all asked questions and such. It was really cool!
Anyways! We have seen so many miracles this week! We are so hot and tired but we just keep having the energy to keep going somehow...and when people reject us we just become happier! It's strange but it's amazing! This transfer I am studying patience and there is a scripture I really liked
40 And now my beloved brethren, I would exhort you to have patience, and that ye bear with all manner of afflictions; that ye do not revile against those who do cast you out because of your exceeding poverty, lest ye become sinners like unto them;
41 But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions. (Alma 34)
As a missionary and us as human beings we need patience in our everyday life to well LIVE! There are so many things that can go wrong but when we have developed patience and all of the Christlike attributes those trials and afflictions are so much easier to overcome!
Family and friends I love you all! Vi auguro una buona settimana!
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