Okay this letter will probably be short because I skyped yesterday and I feel weird repeating myself ha! But I have things to say! (I but everyone is rolling their eyes thinking of course she does, she always does) Would it surprise you that I am known in the mission by how much I talk and that is everyone's first impression of me ha! That's okay I still do it anyways ha!
Giulia is back from America we are so excited for her! She is so excited to get baptized and we can't wait May 30th everyone it is happening!!!!!! I am telling you the date because I am so positive!!!! I am so excited for her! I love her so much! She really is an amazing girl!!!
We finally saw Musa as well we gave him a new baptism date and he was telling us how badly he wants this and he wants our help so badly! So we are really excited to keep teaching him when he can make it to us or we can make it to him! (he lives far)
Alright we had a miracle this week! So Tuesday we had or District meeting and then literally straight from there we went to see this member, Mariadela she was going to be admitted into the hospital for a week because she has some medical problems and they don't know what is wrong. So we decided to go see her and her daughter, Angella. They live far. So let me tell you something transporation here, it is very unpredicatable and where we were going sometimes takes an hour but normal 45 minutes, normally. So we had to get to Anagnina (first part of the journey) which is a Metro stop but we had to take a bus, then a metro, another bus, and then the other metro to get there. 4 different types of transportation (risky) we were runnning late....we ran out of the church if we had walked we would have missed the bus. We jumped on it took it to the metro. Most of the time you have to wait like 8 minutes it was literally almost there we waited like a minute. Jumped on ran out to catch the bus which if you miss doesn't come for another 15 minutes. It was right there we jumped on rode it to the metro. Got to the metro the metro was literally opening the doors when we got there and we hopped on ran to catch this bus we needed to take and if we missed it we wouldn't be able to go because it was an hour and 40 minute bus ride ha! Then we ran to the bus and caught it as it was leaving. Then we got there and walked another 40 minutes in the blazing sun (no shade) uphill...the whole way...I am not exaggerating ha! .
Family and friends God is so real! He provided a way to get to this member who really needed someone to visit her and her daughter. They have never had missionaries out there before and they were so grateful and it was really an amazing expereince. I feel so blessed to be here serving these people I can't imagine doing anything else it is seriously undescriabable! I feel so much gratitude for my Heavenly Father and that he trusts me in doing the work of the Lord. I love it here and I love the people! I hope you all have a great week!
Love Sorella Barazoto
And this was our crazy long day things mamma mia ha! |
We got The Queen's Chips one night they are french fries so good! |
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