Alrighty then this week was just kind of crazy ha! But it was awesome because of Conference! I hope everyone enjoyed it! It was amazing like always and it's so cool that we got to hear from out Prophet and his Apostles!!!
So conference/Easter! Alright so we watched Conference at the church and at our Bishops house! So Saturday we watched it with the other missionaries and it was awesome and wonderful! So then Sunday we went to our bishops house with a bunch of members and investigators and YSA's it was a party ha! So his wife is American so like all of the kids are too so that was fun! Then we made Easter Eggs with candy in them because we decided to be cute and did an Easter Egg hunt for them! Then we all watched Conference and then Bishop made some DELCIOUS food for us! Lasagna, Pesto Pasta, can't forget all 3 different kinds of meat (THERE WAS LAMB!!!!) I love lamb! And then his strawberry Tirimisu nom nom nom! We were stuffed ha! It was a really fun Easter and beautiful Conference!
So also this week we planned to do a Gesso where we go out and draw with chalk but there wasn't a good spot to go so we decided to do a Blitz instead. We were with our district. So that's when you go out and do finding and then come back and meet and talk about your expereiences. So we were at Re di Roma! (Remember mom and dad?!) Anyways so we were talking and stopping everyone and a lot of people were tourists like from Denmark and China and then this lady from Cech she was super sweet and we talked to her for a bit! But we weren't having very much luck...then at the very end before we met back up with the Anziani we decided to walk up to a man. Which we don't normal do... and it was the coolest expereince! His name was Francesco and we asked him a question if about God responding to prayers and we had a really cool conversation with him about God and his plan for us even in a hard and difficult world. And we talked about the restoration a bit and he was interested in us helping him with this. So he gave us his number and everything! It was really amazing also the Anziani got really cool stalker pictures of us talking ha! So I will send those next week!
But it was amazing the last man we talked to wanted to listen to us and was interested in what we had to say! He doesn't live in our area so we had to let other missionaries take care of that but that doesn't matter. We did our very best and we may not of had very much luck but we were meant to meet that man and talk to him and it really was such an amazing expereince that I will never forget!
Well I just want to tell everyone that I love them and I am grateful for my time here in Italy. We get calls this week if I stay or go so we will see! But this week had me thinking a lot of Christ and all he did for us. He died and was resurrected for us. For us! So that we can one day return to live with our Heavenly Father. He did it so we can be happy so we can have hope and peace in our lives and so that we can be saved. So we can be forgiven of every stupid thing we've ever done! No matter how big or how small. I love the words in the song I know that my Redeemer lives.
I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead. He lives, my ever-living Head. He lives to bless me with his love. He lives to plead for me above. He lives my hungry soul to feed. He lives to bless in time of need. He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same. Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: "I know that my Redeemer lives!" He lives! All glory to his name! He lives, my Savior, still the same. Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: "I know that my Redeemer lives!"
I love those words! They are so powerful! I am so grateful for what Christ has done for me and that I can be healed and cleaned from everything. And I know that he wants us to be happy and I know he lives and he is the only way back home to our Father in Heaven. I love love love you all and I hope everyone had an amazing Easter! And I hope you all know how much God and his son Jesus Christ loves you. Never forget where you come from! :)
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