Ciao Tutti!
So this week was weird because Monday we had to clean our apartment and then everything was just super fast and I felt like I was emailing just yesterday! ha!
But this week was really cool because we did some service at a memenbers house so we helped with her yard and it was super nice because we don't get to do it that often and then after she made us some really good Carbonara! It's a pasta like from Rome it's so good! I will make it for yall when I come home! So it was super fun!
Also we did this cool Gesso thing where we right on chalk and stop people and talk to them about what we are drawing! I will send the pictures next week! But it was of the earth with the Bible on the right and then the Book of Mormon in America and just like how they are 2 testaments of Christ it was super cool and we talked to a lot of really amazing people!
But the big news of the week is transfer calls! So we received our transfer calls early Saturday morning and it's either the mission presidents wife or the assisstants it's only president if you are training or are going to have some type of leader ship role. So I'm in the bathroom when the call comes and i didn't know. So my comapanion comes and knocks on the door and I open it all confused because of how early it was and she says, "It's President." And the look in her eyes was like it's for you ahhhh!!! I was so scared so guess what everyone I am going to train! I don't know her name properly so I will wait for next week to tell you all ha! So she is a visa waiter she is supposed to go to Maldovia but she lives in Milan and is orginally from Equador. So I will train her and she will be my "daughter" this is what we call it in the mission when you train so I will be a mother! Ha!
Also Sorella Klug is staying and is getting an actually old companion who she served with before me so we will all be on our apartment together we are super pumped!!! 4 Sisters in a house we are going to do some amazing things! We are so excited!
Anyways that is all that is new here! Our people we normal teach are out of town so we couldn't see a lot of them but we are super excited to do amazing things and just get a lot of work done
But everyone I just want to tell you some things I've learned this transfer. I studied Charity and Love it's one of the Christ like Attributes in Preach My Gospel I am studying one for each transfer so I am finishing this one up! But I've learned that Charity is not easy to have but at the same time it is. Charity is a choice. You choose to love or to hate. You can always change your thoughts and your actions. Charity is really about forgetting yourself and putting other people first and expecting the best out of people. It's really important in this work and in life to have Charity because without it we are nothing. I know that loving people can be hard but when we do we are happier and when we serve we are even more. Life can be hard but when we put everyone else around us first it makes it a lot more bareable and livable. Everyone I want you all to know that I love you and I care about every single one of you. Even if we haven't talked in awhile i still care. I love the people here I love my companion I love the members and the people i see walking on the street I just have this love I can't really explain! And i know that the Lord loves us even more and he wants the best for us. I know my Savior lives and he loves me and all of you. I hope everyone has a great week!
Love Sorella Barazoto
Sorry everyone no pictures this week this computer doesn't work! I will send lots next week!
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