Ciao tutti!
Okay so I apologize for this letter and the next letters for the next weeks ahead! I like don't speak English anymore because my companion is not American and when I do speak my English is very very bad. But my italian is improoving! Ha!
So a little about my Companion! Her name is Sorella Chunga! She is originally from Equador but lives here in Italy in Genova! She was originally called to Mozambique but has to wait for a visa so she decided to start her mission anyways so she didn't do the MTC and just came straight here! Which was a surprise for the whole mission ha! Nobody believes I am training ha! But I am! Anyways she is awesome! She speaks like 5 different languages but we don't speak English because...I'm not sure why ha! Everyone once in awhile si but normally no...but she is super happy and excited to get work done and I am excited to learn things from her and hopefully teach her how to be a good missionary! And not just any missionary but a Preach my Gospel one ha! ,) (I think that was only funny for me....)
Anyways so this week was NUTS because of transfers and we had to get more wardrobes and chairs and me and Sorella Klug had to construct them before the other Sorelle got here! So now we are in 4 and we all live to together and it's awesome! So Sorella Klug is with Sorella Cluff (President has a sense of humor ha) And it's going to be awesome this transfer!
So this week we did 3 Gesso's! Oh my goodness it was awesome we talked to so many people and it was really cool! I talked to this lady from Greece and told her my grandma was Greek and we bonded and it was super sweet! And then my daughter! (Sorella Chunga) killed it! She was talking with everyone in every language except Italian ha! She is so awesome! We have been doing a lot of these lately because we really want to find more people to teach. We are planning a big one in a couple of weeks because there is going to be this festival thing so we are prepping for that!
We didn't get to see a lot of people because a lot were out of town and we were in giro most of the week but people get home this week and we have a lot of really good things planned!
But anyways we are doing awesome here! The weather is getting warmer and the humidity is coming and I can't wear my rings because my fingers swell up ha! (My Arizona body is not used to it) But like I've said many times I love it here. Rome is my home and I know it really well and it kind of feels like my baby in a way! ha!
But this week we taught the restoration to some members and it was amazing and it just gave me and nice confirmation of the truthfulness of the message. I know that God called Joseph Smith as a profeta to restore the church of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and I know if everyone reads it they can gain a testimony that it is true. I know that a living Profeta guides the world and the church today and he loves everyone. I know this is true. I know it. I know it. I know it. And no one can tell me differently. I am happy and I have peace in my life because of it. I love my mission. That's really all I can say. This next week Elder Bednar is coming to speak to us and I am so so so excited to hear his words and have an Apostle here to teach us. I hope I can learn as much as I can from him! I love you all and hope everyone has a great week!
Love Sorella Barazoto
P.S. I won't email until the next Thursday don't be worried when you don't hear from me!
This is my new companion Sorella Chunga! Love her! |
This is teh Gesso we did of the Plan of Salvation or Il Piano di Salvezza! |
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