What is up?! I'm good, doing great! Well this past week and a half has been nuts!
First of all again I apologize for my writting my English is getting worse...and like I jammed my finger....trying to catch a ball that was being kicked (dumb move Sorella Barazoto!) Anyways so I apologize for how this will turn out and if it has any sense!
Okay well lets start with all the new people we started seeing!
First is Elizabetta she is an old investigator we went and saw she is super sweet she is an old one from years ago and she was thinking about us missionaries this week and wondering what happened to us. And there we show up at her house! It was super cool she doesn't want to change but we will work with her and get to know her and everything! Plus she is a beautiful artist!!!
Next is Musa! We met him on the bus he is from Gambia in Africa and he is super cool and his story is nuts! He says his destiny is here in Italy and he is super excited to learn more about our church! He lives far away so we hope we will make the time to come to the church and everything! He's sick and does like triathalons and stuff!
Then there is Bruno he is an old man we met by the tram and he is super nice and sweet we loved talking with him because he is super open and really willing to listen! So we hope lots of good for him as well!!!
Then there is Sifat he is from Bangladesh and we met him on a bus turns out the Anziani once gave him a book of mormon but they never got his number but now we do so we are all going to teach him ha! He's super cool and has an amazing story as well!!!
Also there is Giulia she is an investigator of the Anziani but now we are working with her! She is super young and sweet and we all get along super well! But she is going to America actually today for like a week so we will see her when she gets back!
So yeah that's who we are working with also lots of less-actives and seeing members and finding on metros and doing house! But we are doing awesome I love my greenie she is amazing and I feel like she is training me! She is so solid and we are doing lots of awesome things together! Today is her birthday and I made brownies and they turned out! I can cook but I have never been good at baking....but hey look at me now ha!
So this week we also had the Elder Bednar conference and it was amazing and he is hilarious and can speak very well! I shook his hand and it was amazing!!! Then like the whole conference he pretty much asked us questions we responded then we asked questions and he responded and he somehow made it so like everything that was asked went with what he wanted to teach us about using the things we have and following the spirit oh my goodness it was amazing!!!
I was so grateful to be in the presence of an apostle and it was super power when he spoke. It is so amazing that we have a Prophet and Apostles on the earth today they are so powerful and they are such a blessing. And through them Christ leads this church. I know that they are called of God and that through them we have the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Well weekend talk to yall on Monday! Pace!!!
Love Sorella Barazoto!
This is Lucky and Manju! They are from India! They made us indian food SO GOOD! They are members of our English Course! I love them! |
And this is just an advertisment that I love so much ha! |
UP by the catacombs! So cool! |
SanGiovanni it's like the most beautiful Basilica! I love statutes! |
Last DDM before Anziano Kelley Left! |
Gesso!!! So much fun!!! |
MTC crew all together (Missing Anziano Nomellini but he had to catch a train...) |
Selfie on the Metro!!! |
he Anziani drew this, this morning for Sorella Chunga! Tanti Aguri figlia mia!!! |
One of my favorite missioanries Sorella Barona! She left for Bari! Down south! Gorgeous! |
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