March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

Hello my friends! (a man who works in a pizzeria by the church always says this to us! I love it when they speak English with their italian accents ha!)

So yesterday was daylight savings oh my goodness who's idea was it to put 2 people from Arizona together for this?! We did not understand at all! Like seriously we are still very confused ha! Anyways this week has gotten a lot warmer, mamma mia the summer is coming! I am ready for the italian humid summer! (maybe...) ha!

So this week was awesome! Some of the highlights was we saw out investigator Giovanna which we haven't in forever because she wouldn't meet with us! But her daughter is a new convert so we all went together and we talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it went really well! She is not willing to make a date for baptism right now, we are still trying to figure out why because she believes everything we say. She is going on some voyage thingy for the summer and doesn't want to make any big changes before that but I don't think that is the reason...but we love her she is so cute and she is amazing at like everything! Especially cooking and she loves to share ha YUM! :) But we really hope this week we will be able to understand a little more her fears! :)

So we had a great first lesson with this lady from Nigeria! Her name is Mercy and she comes to our English Course for her daughters who don't know English because they were born here and their father is Italian. So we did the restoration lesson in English so weird! It is really special when you do it in your mother language! And we felt like the missionaries off of the district like bouncing back and forth it was sick nasty! (thought of dad when I said that ha!) But really the spirit was super strong and we really know that she felt it and we hope she will be able to accept this and do what we ask of her and ask God if it is true. The restoration of the church is so important and so powerful! I really love teaching it and bearing my testimony of it's truthfulness! It is such an amazing expereince!

So then there is Lola! So I can't remember if I talked about her last week but she is an old investigator who called us and asked us to come over and we went and saw her and she told us she wants to be baptised! So we met with her and we retaught her the message of the restoration and we asked her to be baptised and she said yes! She is just living with a man and she will need to make a big decision on how badly she wants this. But she wants to, her desire is so big and I really think that she will. I love her so much and I have only seen her twice but I really can't express how much I love her and how badly I want this for her! I know that making this decision will be hard but it will bless her life so much! And I am so so SO excited to work at this with her!

Also there is Ferrnanda we played cat and mouse with her yesterday with buses and trying to find each other ha! She is a friend of a member in Ostia and she wants to learn more. She was telling us about how she has tried many churches and that they are all missing something. And in our tiny missionary bodies we were exploding because those are exactly the works we love to hear ha! But wow she is amazing she is 24 but very mature and willing to seek the truth!

I really am happy with all that we are doing here! Like I love it so much! I hope that I can do all that I can to help these people! I want them to have the same happiness and joy that I have and that I feel everyday because of the blessings of the gospel! I feel so blessed everyday that I have this knowledge! And especially this week I am grateful for prophets! This weekend we get to hear from our beloved Prophet Thomas S. Monson! And I really challenge all of you to watch this and the words of him and all of his apostles! It is such an amazing expereience that we get to hear their words and teachings and I hope you all listen well to what they have to say because those words come directly from God! I am so exicted to hear what they are going to say and I hope you all go having questions and look for your answers because you will receive them! 

Everyone I am so happy and grateful for all that I have and for this wonderful expereince don't be surprised if I don't come home ha! But really I love the people and this country! And I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful Conference and Easter! (strange but slightly amazing how they fall on the same day right?) Love you all! Buona Pasqua!

Love Sorella Barazoto! :)
 This is me and Lola at her Gelateria with our little wooden friend Pinoccio!

And this is my leg...I fell in a hole watching for the tram ha! Don't worry I am fine just a little bruise and a cut ha!

And this is me eating mine SO FLIPPING GOOD! :)

And this Sorella Klug eating her's! :) 

This is the Arincini that the Anziani made and then shared! And we were on a scambio so Sorella Barona got to have one ha!

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